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Visitors purpose of applying for a visitor visa: 

  •  visiting for holiday purposes  

  • Family is located in Canada  

  • Handling business  

Study permits 

Where else to study then Canada the land of the free with around 500,000 students from all around the world come to study in Canada. Although many students come to study in Canada all of then have and gone through the process you will need to go through. A study permit will be needed to attend and live in Canada for a certain amount of time allowing you to be a resident for a certain amount of time. 


To apply for a study permit you will need to apply to a studying institute of your choice after that has been done and you have been accepted you then can apply for a study permit that will allow you to live and study in Canada without complications. Documentation will be looked at for proof of verification to allow you into Canada.

For more information on Study permits please contact us

Express entry 

In 2015 Canada decided that a more efficient way to allow immigrants into the country is by evaluating and checking the qualifications they have to make a more successful and sophisticated Canada. Every province in Canada has their own type of evaluating system that will be put into action when applied to. 

The Canadian express entry system works as a leveling system and takes into account all education and services that can  that you have put into your profile when applying. The following are what will be evaluated and ranked on importance:

  • Age 

  • Level of education 

  • Official language Advancement 

  • Canadian work experience  

  • Skills 

  • Type of education  

  • Work experience  

  • Second language 

PR Card

To cover the what you need to know when owning a permanent residence card; when to re-enter Canada, you must show your PR card (permanent resident card). 

 How to get a permanent resident card when one applies for permanent residency when you arrive to Canada within 180days a card should be sent to the mailing address of your residency in Canada. If you do not receive the card within 180 days please apply for a new PR card. When a PR card is going to expire please apply for a new one 92 days before the date so that it is more efficient.  

Apply for a new PR card if the following apply to you:

  • Card has been lost, stolen, or damaged 

  • Your name has legally been changed  

  • A mistake has been made on the card that legally does not allow you to enter the country  

  • The card will expire within the next 100 days or has expired 

Permanent Residency

Sponsorship being one of the most common cases that we deal with here at Canada Nordic we usually get questions regarding certain standards of living or what they may need to be a sponsor, below are key points for being a sponsor:

  • 22 years of age 

  • Own a Canadian citizenship or permanent residency  

  • Lives in Canada, must obtain and maintain a balanced income to support family members 

  • The sponsor must also agree to a written arrangement with the Canadian government to provide for their family members for a duration of three years this accounts to partners 

  • Spouses 

  • common-law partners  

  • Along with conjugal partners. As for children 10 years of sponsorship and 20 for grandparents and parents. 

Following that all qualifications are met the sponsorship is then requested to the Canadian immigration authorities. From here the request will be ran through procedure leading to permanent residency status for the family member.  

There are no minimal income demands but the sponsor must show for an acceptable income flow to support family and spouses and maintain once the family enters Canada. The sponsor must also be able to maintain an acceptable income flow and aid for the family without depending on government provided services. 

When applying or deciding to come to Canada remember that you are applying to better yourself and Canada as well for whatever purpose you chose, let it be for work, studying or even visiting Canada is here to give u a home but one must also be able to give back to the community book a consultation so that we can find out what Canada can do for you and what you can do for Canada

Family sponsorship 


Canada is one of the most applied to and known country when it comes to family and spousal sponsorship, there may be a lot of paper work and expectations that must be met but what is a little paper work when it comes to family especially when here at Canada Nordic, we go through most of the paper work for you allowing the paper work to be as professional and with minimal amount of  stress for you.  

Sponsoring a spouse comes with responsibility and expectations when being looked into, as for instance; if you are able to sponsor someone and are able to financially support them.

Dependent children should be listed on your spouse or partners application form, if more than one dependent child than each child should have their own application.

May be a sponsor 

  • Canadian citizen or Permanent resident of Canada. 

  • Able to provide financially for the person being sponsor.  

  • Both you and the person being sponsored are able to sign an agreement to bring them to Canada with some expectations for you and them. 

  • Be 18 of age when applying to be a sponsor  

  • Must prove that you are willing to live in Canada until your sponsored relative has become a permanent resident. 

  • Not aided by social assistance, other than disability. 

May not be a sponsor 

  • Have failed to pay: 

  • An immigration loan 

  • A performance bond 

  • Family support payment 

  • Have failed to provide the basic needs of a previously-sponsored relative who received social assistance 

  • Have a removal order issued on you  

  • Under custody of the province/ government or in jail  

  • Are receiving social assistance other than the reason of disability 

  • Are going through bankruptcy  

  • Was sponsored by spouse or partner and have not been a permanent resident in Canada for more than 5 years 

  • Have already sponsored a spouse or partner in the past and it hasn’t been three years since they have become a permanent resident 

  • Still waiting on a decision to be made about an application that was made for a spouse/partner or a child  

  • Are convicted of an offence  

Who can be sponsored

  • Children - under the age of 22 years of age and not married or in a common-law relationship.

  • Dependent child – should be listed on your spouse or partners application form, if more than one dependent child than each child should have their own application.

  • Adopted children – A child that the sponsor expects to adopt, the child must be of under 18 years of age. 

  • Orphans – A child whose parents are both deceased or has been abandoned. If the orphan is a relative (brother, nephew, sister, niece, or grandchild) as well as under the age of 18 and unmarried.

  • Parents – When a parent is sponsored the remaining children (under 19) are also brought to Canada as permanent residents. 

  • Grandparents – Grandfather and grandmother of the sponsor. 

  • Spouse – Legal husband or wife to the sponsor, if the union of the two did not happen in Canada a legal document would be requested and then processed by the Canadian immigration authorities to be accepted. 

  • Conjugal partnership – A partnership between two adults who have formed a spouse like partnership in a country that complicates reason for the partnership to be legal in the country. 

For more information on Who can be Sponsored please contact us 

Spousal Sponsorship

There is must also be proof of the relationship being legal in the country with witnesses that if able can give Proof of the relationship (helps the application) and that it is genuine and that the application hasn’t been filled out to gained permanent resident status in Canada.  

Married or common law the partner must already live with you in Canada. 

For more information on Spousal Sponsorship please contact us 

Parent/Grandparent Sponsorship

  • The parent or the grandparent will have to meet income requirement and provide other necessary documents  

  • Complete a medical examination 

  • A written commitment of financial support from the Sponsor (child or grandchild) must be provided 

For more information on Parent/Grandparent Sponsorship please contact us 

Work Visa

Canada is a country with many Opportunity's and just as many jobs Canada is doing business with over half the world and  jobs have been in major demand in over a great variety of industries from working in the trades to working in a multi-million dollar business. 

Are you qualified to apply for a work permit in Canada? If the following apply to you then yes:

  • Approved to work in Canada for six months or more. 

  • Be 18 or older 

  • Able to support one's self during the stay in Canada 

  • Has a job offer from a Canadian business that has been accepted by the federal human resources.  

Apply for a work study in Canada over 200,000 foreign workers come to Canada for a new life and you can be one to.


An eTA is an entry requirement that is for foreign residents traveling to Canada by air.

An eTA is valid for up to 5 years. As well the eTA must also be renewed when a new passport is made for you.

You do not need an eTA to travel within Canada but it also allows you to visit Canada to up to six moths at a time  

For more information on eTA please contact us

Canadian citizenship


Canadian citizenship comes with many responsibilities as well as benefits. In order to apply you must meet the following requirements:

  • Permanent resident status in Canada. must not: 

  • Be under review for immigration or fraud reasons. 

  • Have certain unfulfilled conditions related to your PR status. 

  • Have a removal order. 

  • Time you have lived in Canada 

  • Must be physically present for 1095 days of the 5 years  

  • Income tax filing language skills 

  • If 18-54 years of age Meet language requirements (English or French) 

  • A test will be given to those between the ages 18-54 unless they have attended a creditable school of English/French 

  • How well you know Canada 

  • Prohibitions 


Minors (under 18) require: 

  • Do not have a parent or guardian applying for citizenship at the same time as them 

  • Do not already have a Canadian parent  

  • Been physically in Canada for at least 1095 days in the five years before applying  

Adult (18 and over) require: 

  • Physically been in Canada for at least 1095 days in the five years before you apply  

  • Filed income taxes for any three years that are fully or partially within the five years before you apply  

Eligible for Citizenship

  • Has an all-around knowledge on Canadian laws and responsibilities also know a certain amount of Canadian government 

  • Does not have a criminal record in Canada or the country they are coming from  

  • Must be able to speak one or both of Canada's official languages 

  • Between the age of 18-54 must have proof of communication skills or a test will be taken as for protocol   

  • Applicants must have Canadian permanent resident status and have lived in Canada for at least three years (1095 days) out of the past five years of applying. 

  • For children under 18 must also have permanent resident status  

Not Eligible for Citizenship

  • Has a criminal record 

  • Are facing criminal charges in or outside canada  

  • Has been ordered to leave Canada  

  • Has been refused Canadian citizenship because of Misrepresentation 

  • Has had their Canadian citizenship revoked  

For the person that will be applying for the visitor visa a usual date of up to 6 months will be given to them to live in Canada and for people visiting for a shorter amount of time the date of leave will be written into the passport. If a decision to stay longer is made then one should apply for an extension about 30 days before leave. 

Depending on the country you are coming from you may need an eTA.

Visitor Visas

Services Information

Visitors Visa
Study Permits
Express Entry
PR Card
Permanent Residency
Family Sponsorship
Eligibility for Sponsor
Who you Can Sponsor
Spousal Sponsorship
Parent/Grandparent Sponsorship
Work Visa's
Candian Citizenship
Requiremnts for Canadian Citizenship
Eligiblity for Citizenship
Anchor 1
Anchor 1
Anchor 1
Anchor 1
Anchor 1



T: 416-534-0040

F: 416 534 0046

303 - 1081 Bloor St. West,

Toronto, ON M6H 1M5, Canada


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